Streamers: Lumin U2 vrs Aurender N200

Has anyone compared these two units? Do you have a sense of the tonal differences between them? Tone verses detail. The U2 has gobs of clean detail (gobs is a scientific measurement), but I think the detail is a bit hyped by boosting the tonality in the presence region. I have the U2. I have not heard the N200. Any help out there?


I have the N200 with cardas USB. I have no glare at all. I’ve had several DACS and streamers and I have yet to find anything to replace the cardas, if you like warm and full sound. 

@dwest1023  Sounds like the old Cardas Golden Cross XLR cables. I had two pairs of them and sold them a couple of years ago for peanuts. Boy, that was dumb. 

Thanks for the heads up. Will check them out. 

Somewhere there’s an issue. I’m not sure the U2 was the root cause. It probably just highlighted it.