VPI Prime Sig/Lyra Delos / Feedback ...help!

Hello all, strange one here...just picked up a VPI Prime Signature Rosewood and a Lyra Delos with about 20-40 hours on it...sounded great at low volume with my sacred Steely Dan - Aja Cisco pressing . Later that night at higher volumes I'm getting a midrange-low feedback . 

Here's my rig : 

VPI Prime Sig with Unipvot / Lyra Delos 0.6m output voltage / 1.75 tracking force

Allnic 1202 Phono Pre (variable DB boost  +22, +24 , +28, +32) 

Manley Snappers / Jumbo Shrimp Pre 

Harbeth 40.3XD 

So I A/B'd w the old turntable VPI Prime Scout / Unipivot / Hana ML 0.4 Output and all was fine 🤔 I then swapped arms moving the Hana to the Prime Sig , no feedback ....🤔

I've tried adjusting the Allnic (all 4 levels mentioned above) and get feedback with the Lyra on every setting...

The hifi business I purchased from said they had tested thoroughly and had 0 problem with it ...so I'm perplexed , this doesn't seem to be any vibration feedback , is the Lyra just not jiving with my Phonostage for some reason? 

Any help appreciated ...



How far away is your table from your loudspeakers? Do you have any isolation device under the turntable?  Some carts are more sensitive than others to acoustic feedback.




pretty close by but not sure where I could put the TT where it's gonna make any huge difference...only sound isolation is the Prime Signature feet which are padded & fairly good acoustic feet . 

It seems from your description that the Lyra is the source of the feedback.  If you are comfortable switching cartridges, try substituting in the Hana to the new TT and see if the problem goes away.  If so that tells you that the Lyra is just a much more sensitive cartridge.  Not all bad.  If that turns out to be the case, you need to isolate the new TT.  I would try some ISO-Accoustic GIA feet or similar isolation device to resolve the problem. 

@billstevenson ya , I've already tried putting my old arm with the Hana ML on it on the new deck in same position as the feedback was happening w Lyra & it works 100% perfectly ...must be the Lyra is just SUPER sensitive...