Need dynamic DAC

I'm looking for a dynamic DAC with great imaging. The DAC could be tube or solid state, don't matter as long as it fits the bill. Thanks.
I have both MHDA units, and while I think they sound great, I don't think they are the utmost is dynamic. The Benchmark is more dynamic, but also a drier presentation (more detail oriented). Don't know about the Bel Canto.
I second Peter_s' opinion on the Benchmark vs. the MHDT DACs. The Benchmark is one of the most dynamic DACs in that price range. It is a little on the dry side, but in my tube system it is an excellent match. Get the USB or Pre version of the Benchmark - you have the added flexibility if you want to go for a PC based system down the road.

Another very dynamic DAC, I really liked is the John Wright modded Bitstream or Bidat.
Use the Tung Sol NOS tube equivalent in the mhdt Paradisea rather than the stock GE tube for a huge improvement in dynamics especially in the low end.
I had the Benchmark before the Havana, and in my system (Maggies 3.6, Cary 500MB, Cary SLP98P F1) it sounded a bit bright. I think the Havana, and now the Bel Canto are better with my system, due to it's inherent tendancy to brightness. In a warmer system, maybe the Benchmark would be a better fit.

Once again though, I just heard the new Bryston in a friends system, and it really rocked out. I may be looking at that one soon, but he runs very efficient speakers with tubes, so much different than my rig. I may just steal his for a week to check it out.

To be honest, I so seldom listen to digital anymore through my system, I probably shouldn't bother.