I was thinking about trading in arm for the Fatboy Gimbal , but if it’s this same plastic resonant material I’m nervous..🤔
@tommypenngotti I did exactly that move last year - started with 10.5i metal (Nordost) and 10" 3D wands on an Aries 3. Super cool table, but the 3D wand was just awful in my setup, because of this feedback. Unusable. Then I swapped to 10.5i, and everything was was lovely - big surprise, given all the feedback (haha) online about how much better the 3D arm is. I’ve heard a 3DR sound great - in my buddy’s system. He listens loud as me BUT he’s on concrete slab, and it’s no problem there. It even handled a Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum so well (with dual pivot), it impressed the hell out of me (I’m a Koetsu collector).
Of course upgrade urge hit fast and I bought a brand new 10" Fatboy Gimbal. It’s a great arm, I really do think Fatboys are the best sounding VPI arms. However, it’s not as quiet as the metal wands in this feedback problem, and it’s not as bad as the original 3D arms. It falls in between. The Fatboys have more rigidity which helps. I think with HW40 feet and Fatboy combined you’ll be fine. That was the case for me.
Of course THEN I snagged an Avenger Reference plus a couple 12" wands - lovely table but same arm feedback issues persist if you’re not careful. And unfortunately, I don’t think those fancy $2300 Reference feet are as effective as HW-40 feet at these feedback frequencies. So I’m really right on the edge of usability with a 12" Fatboy Unipivot (dual pivot). Even my SUT placement next to the table (I guess the lighter SUTs can pickup energy from the shelf and feedback in via cable) can make or break it. Meanwhile I have a JMW-12 metal wand that’s always silent and happy, no problem lol. MANY cartridge and phono stage combinations were tried here. It’s the wands. The Fatboy Uni is a GREAT sounding arm when I can get it right, though. I like it slightly better than the Gimbal. Gimbal vs. Uni vs. Dual doesn’t seem to impact the feedback much. I think materials and structure of wand is what matters here.
However, it does make me think since the 3D and Fatboy arms are a composite structure (reinforcing rods, etc), there COULD potentially be variance across units - some being quieter than others! Hopefully the Fatboys are more consistent because I really like them.