Arcam SA30 issue with input

So I have my new amp since December . It’s been reliable so far but I have mostly been streaming as this is a new option for me. But now I am getting back into some CD’s and vinyl. I have found that on occasion when I select my CD input I get no sound. My CD transport is running but no sound. A few times I just changed the input back to Net and then my CD again and it works. Today I had to turn the SA30 off and back on again for it to work.

Has any one else had this happen? I don’t know how to determine if it’s the Arcam or my NAD CD player. I am using the optical input if that means anything.

On a possibly related note, my Tidal Connect would not connect last night also. Again, I rebooted and it worked again. Do I have a lemon?


Check the net standby settings for on or off and try setting the timeout stand by to the max. It may be going into standby mode automatically.

So I looked at all the settings again and I’m not sure I see the settings you are talking about.

Can you be more specific about the actual wording of that setting? The only “timeout” setting I have is the one I mentioned before. It’s the one which powers the amp down after the preselected time. I was warned it is bugging and will often shut the amp off in the middle of listening to music. It’s set to “off”.


Yah, um…I looked. It is in the manual but not my amp. I went through every single page, sub page, etc. It does not exist on my SA30. Maybe the manual pre dates the last software update. I have v1542.