Latest USB converters or music server?

I have recently purchased a Musical Fidelity KW DM25 transporter and dac.

One of the reasons for choosing this model, was that it offered a switchable facility for the dac - you can switch between the transport and a spare spdif connection.

I am keen to use computer based audio as well as CDs.

My question is: What is currently thought to provide the best sound quality given my set up?

Option 1: Laptop (I have one spare) with something like an Empiracle Audio USB off-ramp Turbo 2, fed into my DM25? This model is a few years old now.

Option 2: Power supply modded Squeezebox Duet, fed into my DM25?

Option 3: ??? Other ideas ???

I am quite happy to build something, or DIY if needed.

I am also happy not to spend too much cash.

I know that this subject is often covered, but computer gear changes so quickly these days - apologies.
Use your DAC. I did.

I recently went computer audio. I have a MacBook > Kimber USB > Bel Canto 24/96 USB Converter which comes with its own BNC cable > to the DAC of my Cary 306 Pro...

To say I am impressed with the sound would be a vast understatement!

Modwright Transporter - I've sold my high end player, since the output via wireless as well as via digital input is better than any player I've ever had before that I can recall, including two Modwright Sony units. A good friend of mine has recently bought an Empirical rig (PaceCar + NorthStar [Empirical-modified] DAC). At some point I hope we can do a comparison - I'll post with the results if we do. I couldn't be happier with the Modwright Transporter. Disclaimer: Dan Wright is one of my clients.
gigabit network using a imac (with multple external hard drives and time machine backups every hour), wired to an AE, to a monarchy DIP, to a manley dac, then to a classe preamp, controlled through my iphone with an excellent graphical presentation. the sound is so good, i haven't turned on my classe cdp-10 player in more than 6 months. and this deck is very good.
Thank you for your replies.

The Bel Canto 24/96 USB looks a bit cheaper than the Empirical Audio units.

I have also found this one, which is only $70, which is good value as it looks like it has a nice quality clock in it, though it does not state which chip it uses:!1EB7027489224A7D!114.entry

The Squeezebox Duet, obviously has a much more user friendly interface. Does anyone apart from drubin have experience of a direct comparison?