But seriously, it’s stuff like this that make all of us the deserving objects of ridicule from our non- audiophile friends. I’m convinced that confirmation bias is the dirty little secret in all our lives that we need to acknowledge before we can move on.
Anybody who thinks they’re immune is in denial. On another thread recently, I posted the following:
“one more point: confirmation bias is alive and well in car performance, just like audio. Case in point: I have had numerous instances where, right after getting my car washed, I experience this compelling sense that my car handles better - swear to god! Why? Well I’ve just spent an insane amount of money - $36 most recently, before tip! - and now my pride and joy looks beautiful. I’m feeling good, and I’m focused on this amazing machine’s performance in a way I hadn’t during the dog days of January and early February when I kept putting off cleaning the car. So I have an enhanced appreciation of my car’s performance, even though that performance has not changed one iota. It happens every time, even though I know it can’t be real! That’s confirmation bias, and that’s why I’d be a fool not to consider measurements!
last point (maybe?) thank god the car wash hasn’t started a marketing campaign that their special mix of soap and wax improves the performance of my S4 and Golf. My god, I might be willing to pay them thousands!!!!!”
Let’s actually discuss this. Has nobody else ever experienced this, or something like it?