Hey Vthokie83,
He said just to loop the 10hz track and let that play for about 100 hours. I also brought up over heating concerns which he advised that he was not at all concerned being that the speaker is so efficient. He was more about breaking in the spider by the voice coil that the part that needs to move as the woofer are so rigid right now being so new. He also said you didn’t have to play at loud volumes but look for some excursion happening with the woofer. I also tried that 10Hz on my CSS Criton 1TDX and those woofers were moving. He also brought up The user Tyson from AudioCircle saying that Tyson experienced break in on the at around the 500 hr mark on his Saphires using this method.
What I'll do is let them play that 10hz from 7 -4 then I'll play my track and listen for improvements throughout the week I have that cd from bass mekanik that does all those sweeps and ill just put on the track to repeat.
When I did my RF7-III upgrade, I could not tell I my situation because of what that speaker went thru going from a two way to a 2.5. A completely different animal, but I was shocked from that bass I heard from Ron's video,
Or try calling Clayton, 801-631-2994