Anyone else order Caladans from Clayton Shaw?

After watching videos and reading positive reviews I ordered a pair of Caladans. It’s been 2 weeks and I have never received an email confirmation of sale.  The charge on my cc was from Spatial Audio.  I have called and left VMs twice and also emailed Clayton’s info address. Crickets ! 

Has anyone else experienced this?  I assume he’s extremely busy but I’m getting a little anxious.



Figured I would weigh in here. I also ordered on 11/1/23. Received confirmation of order on 1/21/24. No additional update as of yet. Similar to another poster I ordered the Walnut baffles. Hoping to see the speakers at some point this month.



Please share when you receive a shipping confirmation response. I ordered mine on 11/05 and was told by Clayton in February via phone that I should expect them around mid-March.

I'll keep this group posted on my updates.

I ordered on 11/29/23.  Have spoken to Clayton once or twice since then and given the expectation of March 2024 delivery.  Will not be surprised if that slips into April 2024 though.

Post removed 

I'm pumped,  I received tracking showing Wednesday eta.  

Vthokie83,  did you try that 10hz track, also what about the bass, is it opening up for you?