Looking back at my last post, perhaps I was a little over the top in my message. I guess I get irritated when there are still many so-called audio hobbyists that will dispute the sound quality of different types of cables and poo-hoo cable breakin without any actual first-hand experience.
ASR is a website dedicated to that way of thinking. Many of the ASR members express views of the need for scientific testing. Which to me, to a certain extent, is important. But these tests can only measure some form of Ohms law. We can also test for loudness, bass, treble etc. but can we really test wholesomeness of a soundstage?
How do you measure a painting, a feeling, or a sound?
I guess I can understand some of the skepticism, because yes, the price of some cables seems to be exorbitant, and some of the advertising claims can be way out there. Believe me I do understand. However, there are many cables that will help transform your system and provide that extra pleasure that was just not there with the “wire is wire” thinking.
Keep an open mind and actually try it within your own system before passing judgement. I think as I once did, you will be shaking your head saying, I can’t believe it… But I hear it, believe it, and feel it.
BTW, my AQ Thunderbird cables probably have around 400 hours on them and continue to improve.
I just visited a site that was showing the Clarisys Auditorium (the big brother to my speakers) and they were using 6 mono amps, and they were using a full loom of the AQ Thunderbird cabling...
And.. I guess I am still a little over the top...