Oops, sorry Erik
Free air, tighter bass - snake oil or cheap tweaks?
Usually when we talk about snake oil it's because some one is out to make a buck on the gullible. In the case of these tweaks I want to recommend I'm not going to make any money, and you may not spend any either, but I find them useful.
Cover your Speakers
I don't know why a modest change in your acoustics can make such a difference but I usually find that covering my speakers adds a lot of air and room ambiance. I like to use some thick curtains that I've had from a house a long time ago. Works really well.
Weigh Your Speakers
I don't mean put them on a scale, but put a weight on top. Of course, this doesn't apply to those with behemoths. I find this especially useful with lightweight speakers that are on stands or very small footprints. Think 2-ways, both bookshelf and floor standers. I think the additional weight resists the tendency of the woofer to move the box back and forth, creating a kind of Doppler distortion in the bass. In some cases I find this tweak can really make a speaker sound tighter and clearer from the mid-bass downwards.
Clean up the Floor
We often pay attention to the walls, but not the floor, especially behind speakers. I find that room treatment, cushions and blankets here can really cut out hash I didn't know I had.
@waytoomuchstuff .....way too late for free....Ref: "Tax Man" (Beatles).... ....even available in canned 'huffers' of oxygen for the altitude challenged and/or the COPD'ers....like me.... ....wonder if it's available in 'Panama Red' scent.....? @erik_squires ....."...just 'n excitable boy...." *familiar 6 note coda* .....here...sit, Stay. ....Been There..... *stylus hissss* *'URPLE DAZE is in muh HEAD muybbe got sum frum dat moldie BRED Actin' funnie don care YYYY Scuz me wile I eat dis rye..... *DOOM DOom doom" ....maybe something softer.....
...woofer/mid-range not an issue, it and the tweet vertically aligned on axis...like the originals....*S* I admired Maggie Roche....same age, liked her lyrics....RIP, Mags.... Live, the ladies could put your hair on end with their harmonies... |