Rockport Lyras

The speaker that shuts down threads. Must be a good speaker.


"I would greatly prefer that you were erased in all totality from my line of sight online."

That's not going to happen.

Rock port speakers ,i know well ,

As with other speakers overpriced 

But none the less a very good sounding 

Loudspeaker. Why the thread was taken off 

You should email Tammy, when you respond 

Give the date ,  to b we honest waay too 

Much censorshjp are we in China?


Sorry I’m late to the game and I missed the thread that was axed, so may be I’m totally lost here…but this may potentially be an interesting discussion. So what are we talking about here? Are the rockport lyra bad speakers? Or is it the guy who owns them? What is the 🐂 💩 you are calling out as part of your journey to call out 🐂 💩?

Rule #1 You don't talk about Rockport

Rule #2 You don't talk about Rockport

Rule #3 If you TALK about Rockport, you will get SHUT. 


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