Roon and qobuz update problem?

Sat down last night, started roon and started streaming the song that was cued from the last time I listened.  Saw that Roon had a popup showing an update was available.  Chicked "update all".  

Roon stopped and when it updated I wasn't logged into Qobuz and can't log in through Roon.

I can log into Qobuz on my computer and play songs fine.  Looks like a Roon problem.  Anybody else having this problem?




It happens some times. Just reboot the device you're running Roon on and this usually solves the problem. 

Yuck Roon, dumped it years ago even though I have a lifetime subscription. 100% Innuos with the Zenith MKIII and the Sense application and updates are never an issue. Will be interesting to see if the new ownership at Roon makes things better or worse. Innuos support has been excellent and most of the issues I have had were self inflicted. 
Hope you get it figured out Jerry. 

Reboot the roon core and terminate and restart the remote app. Should be ok. 

I performed the update this morning and had no issues whatsoever with Roon or Qobuz.  A re-boot should fix you up.