external crossover recommendations

What would you recommend to pull off the low pass signal and send it to a subwoofer, prior to the preamp?

Well this is very helpful everyone.

Kal -- you've smoked me out. I can't follow your good advice on a one-box solution (e.g., Anthem Pre/Pro) without compeletly reworking my room, my cabinets, and my equipment.

My goal was to try to get the analog right (either PL-1a or DAC) to a balanced analog pre-amp. But my Wilson Benesch Curve speakers only go down to 35 Hz. I need to do some very careful listening, but I believe they sound better when I do not pass a full range signal to them, but leave 60 Hz and below to the subwoofer (currently a Totem Thunder).

I have XTZ coming to measure the room and figure out how big of an issue my room is. But I was trying to get the analog right first, and then figure out the best approach to RCS, especially since the one-box solution doesn't work for me.

anyway, hope this makes some sense. Regardless all you -- your response are sure helpful. Thanks!

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