Better cd SQ

Hi All,

I am considering purchasing an external DAC to use with my Marantz CD6006, trying to squeeze all the SQ from my cd's that I can. I like the sound of the CD6006, but feel like there is something better. Good idea or bad? If good, being that I know very little about DAC's, what DAC would you recommend for better SQ. My primary
Source is LP's. But I play a lot of CD's also.

All help would be very much appreciated.

Thank you,


I think it’s a very good idea! You can greatly improve the sound of your CDs from what the Marantz has to offer.
You didn’t specify your budget though which makes recommending anything nearly impossible.

As others have mentioned, without knowing your budget it’s not possible to make an appropriate recommendation here.

HI All,

My budget is about 2k. My equipment is listed below:

Rogue Audio RP5 preamp and Hydra power amp

Rega P8 w/Apheta 3

Gold Note PH-10 w/PSU-10

Revel PerformaBe M126Be w/M stands, SVS SB-1000

Marantz CD6006

Hope this will help.







TMR is running a special on PS Audio Direct Stream DAC. Under $2,000 and I suggest you snatch one up while supplies last. That’s probably your best bet within that budget.