Let me start by stating I love your products and have enjoyed learning about your brand. Following are some insights that may help navigating through your website and your products more easily. Commentary is open, honest, feedback.
Starting with your speakers when you click on Borresen your site states the following: "Borresen Acoustics offers two different speaker series: the 0-Series and the Z-Series." Based on my experience you have more than 2 series. There is also the X-Series which does not pop up anywhere on your site unless you specifically go to search and type in: X. When you do that then the X product pops up. I think there is also an M series but couldn't get that to pop up which could just be a glitch. Imagine, if I did not know about the X series, which I did not, until your dealer shared that with me. I would have just glossed through your site instead of making a purchase, which, thankfully your dealer did a great job.
There exists a lack of detail, which, if addressed, would help conversion. When a consumer goes online to check out your products and below the Borresen it says "Have a look at some of our products below, and start exploring the Borresen world." Why can I only see the Z5, 01 Silver Supreme and 03? Why can't I check all of them out, not just those 3? There is an intuitiveness about the site that is lacking. Seems like there are lots of products flashing through the screen which again makes navigation difficult. Lastly, on this subject, when you scroll on the < and > arrows and get to the end it just stops. Why doesn't the scroll take you back to the first picture. Instead, you have to click your way back which as we all know less clicks is better satisfaction.
As I stated above there may just be some glitches. Maybe it's just me and @triode12 who think that your site is difficult to navigate. Anyway, only trying to help you NOT looking to be impolite.
Happy to further discuss as there are more tangible examples that, if addressed, would help grow your brand.
Best of success in your journey!