Customs delay from China. How long should I reasonably wait?

At this point I’m not going name any names but I have been waiting for a shipment from China that has been held by US Customs for eleven days now. The distributor has been very responsive to my concerns and has tried to obtain information from FedEx and customs broker without much luck. He’s telling me the package was picked randomly by customs for inspection but to have it held for eleven days seems a long time for just an inspection. Something tells me there’s more to this than just an inspection that’s holding it up. 
When I purchased this unit I was assured it would be shipped promptly and wasn’t expecting to have to deal with the uncertainty and BS I’m experiencing now. Just wondering how long of a wait is reasonable before I throw the towel in and demand my money back?


11 days is nothing. and your only choice is to wait.  Your distributor is very kind.  He must realize he has a high maintenance customer that need his hand held.

I’ve had items get caught up in customs. Most items arrive between 10 days and 3 weeks, that one arrived in 7 weeks. Wasn’t the sellers fault.

That’s horrible ,for example I bought 2-3 things from Denafrips and LHY -  Jays audio , 3 business days not counting weekends , on average ,that sounds Waay too long .

If this were true then Aliexpress would be out of business.

Packages from China are being more thoroughly inspected due to counterfeit items and illicit drugs being sent to the US.  I have had packages caught in customs from China which the manufacturer has re-shipped that arrived months after the re-shipped package arrived.  


I had a similar experience with FedEx when importing a preamp from the USA to Australia. It was stuck with either Australian Customs or FedEx and I couldn't get any information from either. In fact it was virtually impossible to contact them at all. It took over 3 weeks to get an email from Customs indicating the amount of duty payable..