Occam’s razor time.
@nyev you’ve appear to have spent a lot of money and time on everything but a new router and good Ethernet cable. Dump the router from your ISP as they are worthless. Also, change out whatever Ethernet cable you’re using to Cat-8. As cheap as Cat-6e but super shielded. Check Amazon.
You’ve also mentioned that your problem occurs in the late afternoon, after your kids get home and hit the internet. Sounds like the crappy ISP router can’t take the load and is dropping out (high chance one of your internal connections is bad and causing excessive packet retries which drag down a cheap router). Also the cheap routers don’t have any sizable ring buffers so they can’t queue things up well.
Remember that 4k video requires 34Mb of bandwidth. Add on whatever else you’ve got streaming (phones (cellular using WiFi and VoIP), internet streamers/radios, television, etc. and you’re probably using 50-74Mb bandwidth easy. Bet the router you have came from when you had 100Mb or less internet.