Are there other people like me ? Amazed by their low cost system :)

Are there other people so much amazed by a relatively low cost system , they consider that is not a stopgap but instead a minimally satisfying ectasy... Each day i am amazed by my speakers and headphone... Am i deaf? Am i ignorant of high end ? Be assured that i know better system with higher acoustic experience and more refined exist ...

My point is an experienced and felt minimal threshold of acoustic qualities and well done and well realized and well manifested acoustic factors exist for me and are at play, for the price invested; so much so , i consider any upgrade way less tempting and if possible would be more, way more , costlier to appear as a real upgrade in quality... For sure an upgrade of part at low cost unbeknowst to me is possible but i must live with what i have for now but i feel no frustration at all. 😊

Am i the only one deluded in this way or enlightened in this way ? Pick your choice of word.... 😎


The fact that you did not even consider this thread many responses value as an invitation to speak about the matter after my honest question and insisted to make a point about my post lenght reveal that your intention was only disparaging me ...

You even add a cartoon which way of communication as spam i dislike...

Perhaps you can dislike my number of words but at least i respect people...


Why not applying to yourself your own advice?.

Why repeating in all these last posts the same critics about my words count ?

Why not stay silent once your point has been made ONE TIME ?

Do you feel better ?

By the way i will stay myself , and speak as i see fit for me ...

Spare me and to others the same critic and dont push my button anymore...

Glide over my posts...








I found it of value. I even contributed above somewhere deep in the jungle of your responses. Man you need to cheer up. Why so serious

And by the way that wasn’t a cartoon. It’s from a movie called History Of The World. Mel Brooks. A true classic! You should check it out.

 Ok i am too serious ...

But i am a bit tired of these critics about my words count...

My best to you...


Well if you’re free to rant, I’m free to say what I think about it. 


But i am a bit tired of these critics about my words count...

The world doesn’t revolve around you. 

Now your opinion is said...

As you said the world does not revolve around you or me nor around my world count ...

And in this thread i asked other experiences and i read them and i thank them ...

Call that a rant , i call that a thread about a not so often question in this Forum...

I will wait for others to spoke about it ...

You are welcome to say something about the question asked...

my words count will stay as it is...Dont push my button anynmore , everybody has read and understood ...

the thread is about a question , now that your rant about me is done we can wait for others opinions about the thread question...
