A Neurochrome 365 or a Purifi EIGENTAKT Class D Amplifier are both able to be produced as a Monoblock.
I know the 365 and the lower powered versions down to the 65 very well, to the point, I do believe the 65 might be my last owned Amp' when I come away from the present system.
I also know an owner of the 365 with a few Mod's incorporated who has been recently familiarised with a Purifi EIGENTAKT, the result being they are very impressed and are now building their own one with a few mod's learnt from an Amp builder/measurement group.
These can be housed in an very nice aesthetically pleasing enclosure and might require an EE's assistance.
I would bet all in any of these Amp's would come in at $2.5K max to build as Monoblocks.
In relation to the Commercial World of Retail Pricing, the BOM for these Amp' Types alone, if attached to a retail product, would put Amp's being supplied retail into the $20K - $40K zone, especially if a very fancy aesthetic was also part of the pricing for the upper end in the suggested price range.
The first Time I heard a Neurochrome Amp' it was on a £200K+ System, where the Soulution Power Amp' at approx' £50k was in use for approx' 2 Hours as the base Amp' used for Phonostage Demonstrations.
The Soulution was swapped out and replaced by the Neurochrome. For the 3-4 Tracks allowed for the Demonstration, the Neurochrome did not show any signs of having a Amp' immediately available to be put back to use, that could show it to be a underperformer, even though it did have a slight variation to how it delivers the end sound.
On the same occasion following the Neurochrome, an individual known to have very adept EE Skills and has produced very attractive audio demonstrations, put into the system, their £400 purchase, that was a 4 Box Class D Monoblock imported from China. The builder had spent approx' £100 doing their own design hooks for the schematic/topology.
The system owner who also has a audio retail business claimed he might as well throw in the towel.
The Chinese Import was not as good as either of the previous Amp's, but if an individual was able to receive a Demo; of the Import Amp' and the Soulution, it would be some sales person that convinces a person to spend the extra £49500 on the Soulution Amp'.
In relation to the Neurochrome vs Soulution, the individual in the Demo' would need to be a Soulution die hard fanboy, to decide the Soulution was the one to spend the extra £47500 on to take it home.
In no way am I knocking Soulution Amp's, I have as an estimate heard them in use in the same system, for near 20 Hours of play time. I would be very very Happy to use one.