Dear @mijostyn : " I assure you, none of my current cartridges mistrack any record I have played, "
All your today and past cartridges has that analog jitter and you can’t avoid it. That you just don’s accept it is only your attitude or " ignorance " because evidence are there.
Shure, Stanton, Pickering and the like knew about and thta’s why its cartridge stabilizers to help a little on that regards.
If you are happy with that analog jitter in your system it’s fine with me but that you post after post tell that you don’t have that problem is just something " stupid for say the least: the day is nigth as not the other way around.
Btw, what you don’t understand yet is that that specific regards has nothing to do with which tonearm which kind of tonearm are you using and if it’s good matched or not: THE ISSUE BELONGS TO THE CARTRIDGE/GROOVE /FRICTON riding.
Till you understand that you will stay in trouble.
" You do not want to know what I think about Townsend. "
What you think about has no importance what has importance is that you can prove it that what Townshend and his surrouded external enginners measures and all the science behind them tha are facts. You have not facts and you know that I respect you but what you are posting in this specific regards is only you ignorance levels about because you don't belive that could happens then you never tested.
Now you are very shilled working with wooooood and mayvbe metal too and own all the necessary tools to make a tray and test in your system.
Your posts does not help you till you experience as first hand in your system. This is not about our believes, this is about reality and again it's not a tonearm issue.