@nyev If you play an equivalent local file at the same time you have bad internet quality and it’s bad too, then it’s definitely something internal. Whatever’s causing it will be between the source and the receiver.
In normal circumstances if your source and receiver are both connected to the same Enet switch then you’d troubleshoot by swapping ports, that is moving the devices to a new port, one at a time, and seeing if the problem clears up, because ports on switches can go bad. However, you may have a problem with doing this if both the server and receiver are on your Innuos switch as it’s only got 3 ports. In that case you’d swap in a temporary switch to see if the problem clears up.
I then ask, since it appears that you have more devices then the 3 on the Innuos, what are you using in front of it as your main switch, how is it connected in circuit, and are your server/receiver both on the Innuos?