What do you like to see included in a manufacturer's website?

We are currently rebuilding our website to include more information, new models, accessories and pricing. What do you like to see included in a manufacturer's website?




I started a thread on why prices are so hard to find. Ultimately it's in everyone's best interest to post the prices.

Large high quality high resolution color pictures (your current site does not do this), make the site attractive (not black and white), site organized by product type (amp, preamp, speakers, etc) not by class (gold series, premier series, etc), products listed in order of quality by pull down menu not taken to another page, complete and accurate specs (your current site does this well), tell me what power class you are using (A, AB, D)....I still do not know what your amps are even after looking at your site, link to manual, repair information, manufacturers list price (I want to know quickly if something is in or out of my price range), list of dealers with COMPLETE information, tell me what you use (don't tell me "high quality" instead say WBT gold over copper or whatever, make it as easy as possible to navigate with pull down menus and not various pages