Anybody have Experience with Alta Audio Alyssa Speaker

I have been reviewing speakers in the $5K price range and came across the Alta Audio Alyssa speaker. I have put these on my watch list. I am very interested in hearing if anyone  has personal experience in listening to these speakers. What other speakers would you compare them to. Interested in reading what you have to say.


@blisshifi  Interesting.  Thanks for sharing your experience.  I heard one of their top models at a show years ago and was one of the most memorable demos I’ve heard, but those speakers had the Be tweeter and I’ve never heard the DMD tweet.  Incidentally, at that show Usher gave out a custom demo CD that I’ve used for reference material for years.  You can’t find the CD anywhere anymore, but I found it on a website and the sound quality seems pretty good although I haven’t had a chance to compare it to the CD.  Here’s the link…

@soix Thanks for sharing the link! I’ll check it out when I get back in town in a few days. I actually have an Usher demo cd laying around. I’ll have to check if it’s the same one. If it is, I’ll be happy to give it to you if you want it. 

Don’t get me wrong, the Ushers are a very involving and soulful speaker, and they do make a great impression. I’ve been very impressed with them myself. I have a high respect for them, but having heard so many others, I know they are not the most transparent. There’s still a strong place for them where they fit well. 

@blisshifi  That’s very kind, but I actually still have the CD.  I think Usher made several demo CDs so odds are yours may be different, but ya never know.

@blisshifi @tjraubacher thanks so much! I am planning to add a few more features and data, when I have a little more time :)

I listened to Alta Audio Alyssa at an audio dealer (that I highly respect). I found them thick sounding... too much mid-bass for my liking. I guess some would find that engaging, but I found it distracting.