Ayre CX-7e comparison to Sony SCD-xa5400es

Has anyone heard both on redbook? Could you compare and comment?
I purchased both models and have lived with both and compared them side by side. I prefer the Sony in all aspects, however the Ayre is a superb player in it's own right.

On Ray Brown's Moonlight Serenade the "Pluck" on his bass strings are definitely sharper and cleaner on the Sony.
I recently had my CX7e upgraded to the MP. As good as the standard "e" was, the MP upgrade takes this player to a whole different level. I would even go so far as to say (gulp) that it's now a fair match against my vinyl rig. I never thought digital could match vinyl, given the same mastering in both formats. Now I'm coming to the conclusion that that it very well may be a toss up.

BTW - the CX7 does not play SACD, that's the CX5.
Buconero117 - In a previous post, I recall you stating that you didn't care for the 5400 and returned it to Sony. Now you bought another one?