I bought a SqueezeBox and I love it. I really love the convenience of it. It sounds pretty good too. I like it so much that I'm thinking of pulling the trigger on it's big brother, a souped-up ultra-modded Transporter to see if it rivals a top-flight cd player. If course we all want the sound of the cd in its purest form...but if a hard drive/server based system can get me closer, I'd rather get rid of the cd player. I'm not getting rid of my player yet, but as soon as I find a server based system that is the sonic equal, the cd player will be gone in heartbeat and I won't look back.
I bought a SqueezeBox and I love it. I really love the convenience of it. It sounds pretty good too. I like it so much that I'm thinking of pulling the trigger on it's big brother, a souped-up ultra-modded Transporter to see if it rivals a top-flight cd player. If course we all want the sound of the cd in its purest form...but if a hard drive/server based system can get me closer, I'd rather get rid of the cd player. I'm not getting rid of my player yet, but as soon as I find a server based system that is the sonic equal, the cd player will be gone in heartbeat and I won't look back.