Cd player

Hi guys been building a new HI FI system and been waiting on the HI FI Rose 130, but want to light this system up! Lol Whats a really nice cd player that will not be the weak link? I am running mcintosh c2700, Power Q 707,  Mcintosh 611s & B&W 801 N all with high end cables. 

Thanks for all your input Matt 


I love how some of you advocate screwing mean streaming.

+2 for the Schiit Urd. I’ve got it paired with a Bifrost 2/64, was quite an eye opener. Replaced my Oppo Bdp-95. I’m a diehard cd advocate as ‘inconvenient” as they might be.

I actually often find CD more convenient than streaming…easier to change track with remote than with phone app… and lots of other ways too

The most surprising CD sound I’ve ever heard (don’t laugh now) was from an ancient Pioneer Elite PD 65 Cd player. Very analog-like, with a very nice  sounfstage, detailed with a touch of lower mid warmth. If you can find a used one in good condition, they’re cheap too.

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