My Aurender N150 is stuck in repeat mode

I can build a queue and it plays the entire queue but then repeats the queue. Same problem for a single song queue. This problem is bad for me because I really like Auto-Play mode for Qobuz and Tidal because it's a great way to discover new music.  Repeat mode prevents Auto-Play mode even if the Auto-Play button is enabled. 



I ordered it Friday and Tuesday it shipped from S Korea ( I was really surprised that it wasn’t shipped from the Aurender US) and I am supposed to get it tomorrow. I’ll believe it when I see it.😀

When and from whom did you order yours?

@curiousjim It’s true - out of stock units in the US that then have to ship from Korea often arrive faster than units that are already in their Cali distribution center. They ship DHL internationally and it arrives lightning fast. 

@txp1 @blisshifi 

Holy Cow!

On the 19th, It was labeled, picked up, shipped and it arrived @12:45 the 20th!

Crazy fast!



Out of the box, it was definitely better than the Node 130 with the Teddy Pardo power supply ( which will be available soon).

I’m going to wait a week before I give it a good listen.