Preamp power supply capacitor upgrade

I recently purchased a used Backert Labs Rhumba Extreme 1.3 preamplifier. Although it sounds excellent, I’m on a quest to get it to sound as close to the Backert Labs Rhythm as I can on the cheap. I’ve already sent it back for the 1.4 circuit upgrade and I upgraded the coupling caps to V-Cap ODAM’s. I’ve also upgraded the tubes to Amperex 7316’s from several recommendations here. For reference, my amplifier is Coincident Frankenstein 300B MkII and speakers are Reference 3A Reflectors.

The Rhythm power supply uses four 0.33uf V-Cap CuTF caps which gets rather costly at $218 each. However, the TFTF caps are discounted at $104 each.

My question is, since these would be used in the power supply, would the price differential justify going with the CuTF vs the TFTF?

Ag insider logo xs@2xyowser

I would have a very difficult time justifying a high-end bypass cap there.  My suggestion is to get a Cornell-Dubilier of that value and see if you hear any difference at all.  CD makes excellent bypass caps by the way, so if you like them, leave them in and send me the difference.  :D

@yowser I've worked with the V-Caps a lot. The Copper foil series is audibly superior (and measure better as well). Given how you're going about this the cost differential seems irrelevant.  I do feel compelled to point out however that as coupling caps the copper foil caps are better than the ODAM parts (which are quite good). You might want to rethink this.

I forgot to mention, the V-Caps would replace Jantzen Audio Silver Z-caps which retail for $23.

@atmasphere Thanks for chiming in!  I did consider the CuTF's for the coupling caps but they are not available in 2.7uf.  I wanted to retain the specification of the existing circuit.