@ Usarmyvet91: Please read the manual (page 20):
"The Wadia 170iTransport cannot output digital and analog audio simultaneously. Therefore, to use the analog outputs you will have to activate them. To do this, first insert the iPod into the Wadia 170iTransport. You will have to use the mode button on the remote. When you press the mode button, the digital output is disabled and the analog outputs will become active. Each time the iPod is docked, the Wadia 170iTransport will automatically select the digital output as a default. You will have to perform the above steps each time you dock the iPod and want to use the analog audio output."
And page 12:
"Making an Analog Connection
Connect your chosen cable from the Left and Right Line Level Audio outputs on the Wadia 170iTransport (connection 3 in iTransport Outputs illustration) to the corresponding analog input on your Television, Stereo Receiver or Other Analog Input Device."