Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO

Böhm conducts Haydn
Die Jahreszeiten / The Seasons

  • I. Der Frühling Nr. 1 - Nr. 6
  • I. Der Frühling (Fortsetzung) Nr. 7 - Nr. 9
  • II. Der Sommer Nr. 10 - Nr. 12
  • II. Der Sommer (Fortsetzung) Nr. 13 - Nr. 20 
  • III. Der Herbst Nr. 21 - Nr. 27
  • III. Der Herbst (Fortsetzung) Nr. 28 - Nr. 31
  • IV. Der Winter Nr. 32 - Nr. 36
  • IV. Der Winter (Fortsetzung) Nr. 37 - Nr. 44

Wiener Symphoniker with Kurt Rapf, harpsichord 
Wiener Singverein, Helmuth Froschauer Choir Master

  • Gundula Janowitz, soprano 
  • Peter Schreier, tenor
  • Martti Talvela, bass

Deutsche Grammophon reissue 3LP box 1981, originally 1959
German release

Bruce Hornsby And The Range-The Way It Is Side A

Barry White-Rhapsody In White Side 2 SQ*

Gordon Brisker Quintet-"About Charlie" Side 1 SQ Audiophile

Pat Travers-Makin' Magic Side 1

Harry Chapin-Heads & Tales Side Tales SQ Audiophile

Henri Lazarof-Sinfonietta(LR-133) Side 1 SQ Audiophile

Steve Winwood-Back In The High Life Side 1 SQ*

Billy Joel-The Nylon Curtain Side 2 SQ*

With 3 Audiophile and 3 near misses(SQ*) makes for a very special night. Only Hornsby had SQ that diminished the excellent content. Lazarof had possible demo level SQ, would need to spin again but easily takes the SQ crown. Gordon Brisker is another great(overlooked) jazz album with 5* content and sound.