Breaking news! Jays Audio is moving to Texas and takes interest in McIntosh

Southwest audio show apparently was a big hit and a great place for audio.

It's nice to see Jay is taking an interest in McIntosh amplifiers. He has a 2 boxes in his lab containing MC 901 dual mono amplifiers that can be used to biamp lots of things including speakers , a tube/solid state amplifier. He promises a review sometime soon.

Additionally he's got brand new speakers and we don't know what they are because they are Hidden behind acoustical panels waiting to be unveiled sometime by Thanksgiving.

Jay predicts his brand will be bigger than southwest audio show.  Jays audio show coming to a Texas town near you. 

Looking forward to all the excitement. 


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Out of morbid curiosity I watched a video, and in a five minute span he said Bryston amps were more for home theater and that Joseph Audio speakers are overly bright and extremely hard to set up. You gotta be friggin’ kidding me. Bye bye.

Emerging soul, as far as I know the Audiophile Junkie is an accountant by trade and while he may not be directly marketing gear he has, for me, an unhealthy relationship with 3Ma in Houston which for me is disqualifying. I'm begining to think that you might just be quite young as big trucks are cool and you naively accept video reviewers proclamations unquestioningly. Maybe 18 years old? For the record Jay quit his full-time job and he makes his living/money through advertising and subscriptions on/to his site. Both of the people you site as "remarkable" are trying to make money on people listening to them. There is nothing wrong with that. Hats off to them. My point to you is when you get deep into this crazy world of audio you will find that everyone has an angle and that you will have to do the work for yourself.

Joseph Audio speakers are overly bright and extremely hard to set up. You gotta be friggin’ kidding me. Bye bye.

I've listened to the Joseph Audio speakers at a local dealer 3 times now and at Axpona and they are the antithesis of being bright!