Stupid lucky, I'm going to assume....( ... yeah, I heard that....we all have our moments....)🤨
We've a 'live/work' situation in a small commercial ped traffic, just biz goings' on ....any 'day' music is just 'flow control' for mood....
At night, there's more of a reduction in 'exterior' noise, and any is what I make of it.
Outside, a small city asleep....Inside, as loud as I might....(spouse might sleep thru a nuke strike....lucky her...)
Plenty of available amps.....major hospital .5 mi. away, and reasonably 'quiet'....
HS closer, but effects the water more than power....
20ish dB nights......Space suks more, but a comm bldg. with high ceilings (14') has it's benefits....