Anyone still using CD mats?

I'd like to hear from those who use a mat on a drawer loading CD. After discovering the "clear" improvements using the Ultrabit Platinum-after never having used such CD treatments previously- I thought I should try a mat with my Lexicon RT-20. The question is-which one?
Psacanli...My website is Click on Millenium Mats at the top then use the paypal button if you like. Free shipping is included also.
Thanks for info so far & appreciate info from dealer Rloggie as well. Hoping to hear more(and hoping to spend less as well)from others listeners find comparable.
I gave up on cd mats years ago, when they tore up the transports on my McCormack and EAD CDP's. I do use a Walker Talisman de-magnetizer though, and find it helps out quite nicely, w/o putting any extra strain on the transport.

Here is an older Audiogon forum discussion about CD Mats that I found:
i have 2 mats-- the carbon fiber mat and the top=of-the line marigo gold mat.

there are times when i prefer one mat over the other, or no mat, depending upon the other components in the system.