I don't get it...Exile on main Street-Blue

I love to listen to great podcast/interviews with great musicians. Last night i listened to Rick Beato interview Maynard from the great band Tool. Besides being a fantastic conversation, Maynard told Rick the two most influential albums for his music inspiration are Joni Mitchell Blue, and Black Sabbath's first self titled record.

I understand and love Black Sabbaths first record, but I have listened to JM Blue countless times and just don't understand what the hype is. Full disclosure I love female vocalists, and I also love Joni's  Court and a Spark. With that said I have heard many musicians rave about Blue. Please enlighten me-what am I missing ?

The other head scratcher for me is Exile on Main Street by the Stones. Again I have heard many musicians rave about this double album. I don't get it... Beggars Banquet-Let it Bleed-Sticky Fingers are so much better in my opinion, but just like Blue, It seems like musicians much prefer Exile on Main Street.

I know its all subjective...but these are two records I have never learned to appreciate. Thoughts ?


Exile is the Stones on the top of their game. The music is exploratory but all the songs are unmistakably The Rolling Stones.  At the time they were certainly in a groove and could do no wrong.  Not as pop oriented as the other albums of that era (Beggers, Bleed, Sticky Fingers).
Exile is maybe a bit challenging for more casual listeners. But like whiskey, I prefer my Stones straight up!

Blue is a masterpiece. A complete concept album with a narrative flow.  Blue is best served as a whole; it's clarity and depth comes through when listening from the beginning to the end.  In my opinion Mitchell's pinnacle achievement.

100% disagree about Joni Mitchell's "Blue".

100% agree about "Exile on Main St."

That was easy.

At the time they were certainly in a groove and could do no wrong

I always thought - until I listened more, and more carefully, that the Stones were messy, lacking direction, genre, without a real talent, overall just hitting that groovy sound that addicts the listener. Quit the opposite. Besides the groove, on top of the chaos, it’s so much attention to detail and sheer genius.


I know what you are saying and I am not trying to be a dick, but "I love female vocalists." as well.

I phrase it that way so the person I am talking to knows what I am trying to say.

It's like having a "Best Actress" and "Best Actor" in the Academy Awards.


@tony1954 FWIW, especially after we consider the Academy/Hollywood’s moral grandstanding, I don’t understand why we have “Best Actor” / “Best Actress,” either.  
It’s…acting. I thought equality was what we were after, but what do I know.