A note on input/output impedance: most measurements in RF domain are made in a 50 Ohms termination. Conducted (i.e. on wires) EMC test per regulations is also conducted with 50 Ohms termination. Appliance filters (this is the UL and IEC classification of the filters built into equipment to make it comply with EMC regulations) such as made by Schaffner and so many others are therefore optimized for 50 Ohms termination. One may say "tuned" for such termination for maximum attenuation. The problem is, I haven't met a power line of 50 Ohms yet. More realistic matching impedance accepted in the industry is more like 0.1/100 or 1/100 Ohms, where the lower impedance is the source (i.e. your outlet) and the higher one - your load.
Some of the better appliance filter manufacturers like Schaffner (give it to the Swiss - they have specifications) and Schurter used to list in their datasheets performance at both 50 Ohms and 0.1/100 Ohms. However, lately Schaffner has "sanitized" quite unfavorable data (I do have saved their datasheet from before the "cleansing") and for the most of their products they list only 50/50 Ohms data. The only one I found which still has complete data is their FN343.
Schurter still provides "honest" data for their filters - see this as an example (you would need to figure your way on this page).
Scroll down and find the attenuation curves. What you see is that 0.1/100 and 100/0.1 curves show "negative" attenuation at lower frequencies, meaning actual EMI amplification. In short, in an EMC test lab this filter will help to comply with CE/FCC requirements; when plugged into real outlet - it will amplify noise.
I wrote an article for inCompliance Magazine on the discrepancies between EMC regulations and the real world which, in part, addresses it.
Look at the section called "50 Ohms Question" You can find this and other articles in our online Technical Library
A corollary issue is the frequency range. When you look at the above-mentioned Schaffner or Schurted data, note that the real-life attenuation curves end at 1MHz. There is a reason for that. Parasitic capacitance and inductance of power cables essentially kills higher frequencies. Now, what are the sources of the signals in a typical residential environment (for audio purposes)? It is, in no particular order of significance, switched mode power supplies encompassing LED lighting, solar and other inverters, plug-in supplies for just about everything, TVs, and the list drums on. Another source would be variable frequency drives (refrigerators, pumps, A/C, washers, dryers, etc.). All of them operate at lower frequencies - SMPS, for example, work somewhere between 40kHz and 150kHz. 1MHz attenuation data that I see are not that relevant for real-life applications.