Threshold Stasis S/150

I am considering purchasing the S/150 to drive the Vandersteen 2ci. Do you think the S/150 is enough to drive the 2ci? What I have heard is that the first 30 watts is in Class A mode. Thanks 

Ag insider logo xs@2xhighend64

I still own a Threshold S350e and a Fet 10e preamp, it works just as good as it did when I bought it 30 years ago.  Funny, when I spoke to one of our repair shops regarding possibly needing recapping, he said it’s a myth. Basically said if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. He said the caps are good for many, many years and that people seem to think they need recapping every few years. Not my words but his.

FYI, the Threshold S series amps (perhaps a bit generously) were rated as outputting the first 20% of their 8 Ohm output into 8 Ohms per channel as Class A. The Class A output would halve as impedance halved, while the Class AB output would simultaneously nearly double as impedance halved.


@unsound Probably is but at a reasonable level, it shouldnt be a problem. With my room treated with basic reflective points, it made a big difference.