What High End AC Cables should Offer

90 degree plugs. 

90 Degree plugs are the answer to many problems with excessively large and heavy cables. 

Here's a 90 degree plug from Leviton as an example.  I'm not saying that you should hack your $3,000 Furutech cable, but that we should start asking manufacturers to offer 90 degree plug options.  Not only do they make it less likely to leverage a plug out of the socket (i.e. sag) but also huge space savers.   I can put my bass traps right up against one of these, no problem.  Can't do it at all with even a modest straight angle plug.


I stated that it was a knock off, I am under no illusion,  but who cares. It works great, that's all that matters. Do you think the high prices you pay makes things anymore real.

I recorded sounds of 4 hi-end cables today. Hi-end AC cables should offer the better sound than stock cables. The sound difference between cables is clear. Can you hear the difference? In description section, click times (4:46, 9:50, 14:38, 18:53) to hear different cables quickly to compare.

4 Power cords review - JPS, Zentara, Wavetouch V2 power cords listening comparison
