The Anthem's lights all went out so its is impossible to tell what is being used or where levels are at. Had to return to my trusty Yamaha HT receiver. It somehow works with each component in the system and basically automatically goes to that component when a disc is put in. Makes the whole system easy to use. Yes, the Anthem sounded a bit fuller, but it now works all the time and that is wonderful. All the 5.1 speakers have the same house sound and together sound quite nice. Special effects and localization of sounds is precise and fools me many times.
Even my wife likes it now that it is easy to use and does sound better. By the way, all the contacts are painted with Q45T contact enhancer and sound very good along with the better picture.
P.S. Most of the movies are treated with Auric Illuminator II and all my CD's are also. Much better sound and picture on the treated ones.