Am I right for this forum?

I’ve been an Audiogon member for some years now; I remember (fondly) "millercarbon," for example, which will mean something to some of you. And I’ve been a lover of audio equipment since high school—so, for over 50 years (I graduated in 1973). And yet...more and more, I find myself alienated from this forum, even though I do still read it regularly.

I do have what I consider a very "high-fidelity" system. I’ve written a very long account of my "audio journey," complete with many photos, but not "published" it on this site. I’m also a member of our local audio club, which includes several very well-heeled members who have systems costing more than most homes (one of them owns equipment valued at nearly a million dollars, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg: his system is housed in a separate structure purpose-built for it that cost well over a million). I play cello and guitar; my wife plays piano, my daughter piano and violin. We play those instruments in the same room occupied by my main audio system, and so I can attest to the "fidelity" of that system’s reproduction.

And system cost me less than $3,000 in total. I don’t lust after any particular "upgrade," even though I read reviews and all the many accounts of improvements in "SQ" documented in this forum. I an "audiophile," or not? Do I belong here, or not?

I’m listening right now to a wonderful bit of Mozart. I also love Tool. And Christy Moore. And Eva Cassidy. And so many others. I agree with Nietzsche: without music, life would be a mistake. But am I an audiophile? Do I belong on this forum?

Any sympathy here? Anyone else feel alienated from the "audiophile community" despite loving the miracle of audio technology?


I sympathize with the OP on his feelings here. My interest in audio and gear has always been high. Much like in the sixties and the dawn of the muscle car era. Fond memories of lusting after the content of Car & Driver before I even had a driver's license. Or being in the military during the Viet Nam era and hearing about all the (then) high end Asian audio gear that people were bringing home.

My issue was always trying to control my desires for buying stuff I really couldn't afford. Interestingly, now in my "golden" years, I can afford at least the lower end of audiophile grade gear, but I don't want to.

I too am a half-fast musician. I have more tied up in my two Martin guitars than my audio/visual system. I'm not into home theater but do have my TV hooked into my two channel system. I'm truly happy with what I have and am totally uninterested in jumping on the wire, cable and fuse bandwagon.

There in the point of this diatribe. My entire system is probably under $7k, all in. There are some who dwell here that denigrate what I have but most are cordial and some are great sources of information. That is the main reason I lurk here. I do find myself feeling like Sheldon on "Big Bang" when he goes into contortions trying to control his tongue. Usually when the discussion devolve into mudslinging about cables, fuses or whatever. Carry on. I guess I'm done for now.

Of course you belong as much as anyone else does.  I would ignore the Stuart Smalley comments.  There seem to be a few folks on here who like to type things they would likely not say to someone's face (at least I hope not). By the way @chrshanl37 it's cue.  Que is not an English word and queue does not apply.  If you're going to be impish at least get the spelling correct (and yes I would say that directly to you 😀).

Often, an audiophile is someone who plays music to listen to their system. You, on the other hand, appear to play your system to hear the music. Congratulations!

I have often noticed that my most musically engaged friends (those that are actually musicians), can always hear and enjoy the music regardless of the SQ. How I envy them!

Unfortunately, I  am an audiophiliac, too dependent upon SQ for my pleasure. I would switch ears with you at the drop of a stylus...





12,409 posts


Why suspecting the OP of trolling ?

the way the OP is written, the follow up system pictures that don’t align with the info provided originally, the meaningless, as far as context is concerned, mention of millercarbon, the claims of feeling alienated, the mention of million dollar system in a million a million dollar dedicated structure…the whole thing smells like trolling. It’s designed to cause a stir. And he accomplished it by the way. Deserves a credit for putting this together so masterfully, no doubt. 
May be I’m overthinking this, or you just haven’t cracked the shell yet, @mahgister