You previously stated you surmise anyone who cannot hear differences that you perceive in cables, to have compromised hearing and/or equipment; that sure seems like professing to me. I’m unclear which stance you actually hold since it couldn’t very well be both, could it?
@benanders You took this out of context. This was in response to another previous post by someone who adamantly stated there are no differences between cables whatsoever, which to me is patently absurd but he’s free to think whatever. And I was clear that my opinions on individual cables (or components) are just an indication of what others may (or may not) hear, and I don’t profess at all that if they hear things differently that they’re wrong. I still enjoy and find it helpful to hear other people’s subjective impressions of how things sound whether I ultimately agree with them or not, but most times I get something out of their opinions and learn something from them — that’s largely why I’m even here. But you continue to hang your hat on biological studies, scientific panels, and things that supposedly can’t be measured with respect to cables in other various industries and I’ll just continue to listen and trust my ears. Whatever, and to each his own.