dwcda OP
9 posts
That’s my concern with the cables I auditioned. There could be differences but they’re very small and not worth the cost to me
I mentioned this in one of my posts earlier in this thread if you recall. Even if you will hear a difference is it worth it to you. But then you stated you thought you heard an improvement and when you switched back to Mogami you realized it’s all the same. No difference. Not a thing.
Cable evaluations can only be concluded -
- I hear the difference, like it and can’t unhear it, I just have to have these cables.
- Yes there’s a difference but I don’t like the effect
- I hear the difference but it’s too small to justify the investment.
- I hear no difference at all.
There’s also another category that flat out deny there could be a difference without even trying anything. This is the give me scientific evidence, blind test, measurements crowd.
In either case, it make absolutely no sense to argue and try to convince anyone. As I said earlier, the arguments fall on deaf ears.
OP - your room acoustics when addressed will be a better ROI than cables, in the current state of your system. Revisit cables after if you still feel the need to explore.