If a recording is played back at a different SPL (Sound Pressure Level) than the original performance, is that not distortion? Yet, recordings do not come with liner notes that specify the playback volume. I tried to convince my wife years ago that I‘m not playing the stereo too loud, I‘m playing it at the original recording level and any less loud would be distortion. She didn‘t buy it but as long as it is a song she likes…
The size of the soundstage on my system varies with the recording. Some recordings are small and intimate and some go beyond the walls of my room. How would I know what is right if I have never heard the original performance? Based on my experiences listening to live music I judge what seems right during a listening session at home.
There is a Roger Waters recording that puts voices 90 degrees to my left and my right. It is the most extreme that I have heard on my system save for the “laughing voice“ that is right by my head near the end of Dark Side of the Moon. Depending on speaker placement and room treatments the Roger Waters recording that I am referring to will make the imaging move forward towards the front of the room a bit from extreme left and right. So I have used that as a benchmark to ensure I have an optimum setup- assuming the artist intent was to have the sounds to the extreme left and right.