Give Up on Bacch?

I have sitting next to me a little suitcase with the Bacch4Mac hardware.  Implementation is scheduled for Monday, next week but I may return it before then.  I thought I would seek advice before pulling the trigger.  Theoretica gives one 14 days from shipping to return for a refund less a $200 restocking fee.  The 14 days is up Monday.  Why the cold feet?  First, I will not have the opportunity to listen to the Bacch system in my home before the return period expires.  Second, I was underwhelmed at the Theoretica room demo at Axpona.  Third, I have a modded Peachtree Gan1 that requires a coax input.  I will have to spend an additional $1000 to get that capability with the Bacch system.  Fourth, at Axpona the sweetspot was narrow  and impractical (2 seats, one behind the other).

It will cost me a $200 restocking fee and shipping to return the Bacch system.  I hate to do that, not because of the cost, but because I won't have the opportunity to hear it in my home.  What do you think?

Ag insider logo xs@2xtreepmeyer

@audiophilejunkey Check the return policy footnote on the Theoretica Bacch4Mac Web page.  It states in black and white that the return window is 14 days from their ship date.  That being said, Edgar readily gave me 14 days from implementation.

I suspect that my experience at Axpona was unfortunate.  I say that because on Friday I got to the Theoretica room about 11am.  I was only there a few minutes when Edgar had to leave to give a presentation downstairs.  I don't know who was left minding the shop, but there were no a/b demos or individual calibrations.  Judging from the comments above I think that I unfortunately missed the more revealing demo Edgar was doing.  I wish I'd known as I would have come back.

@treepmeyer ok I'll have Edgar look at that text... That's not correct and has never been the case in practice.  I guess nobody noticed before because returns weren't an issue and he usually gets you setup so soon after shipment. 

With Axpona and recent demand, he's a few days behind, but it also looks like you didn't get a dedicated demo or calibration at Axpona which makes more sense now. 

He did leave the room to do a presentation, so it's unfortunate you couldn't attend that and got a limited demo.  However, I have his full presentation recorded on my channel and you'll get a full install and demo exclusively with him and on your system soon. Enjoy!

Here's a link to the video of Edgar's presentation you referenced...I think you and others may find it helpful to better understanding why and how the Bacch works.  


Here's what I do when faced wtih a decision like this.

Flip a coin and, in your head, tell yourself that you're gonna do whatever the coin said to do.  Live with that decision for 24 hours.

If it's the wrong decision, you'll know it.  It'll nag at you.  If you feel a sense of relief, the coin made the right decision for you.

When I'm on tenterhooks about a decision like this, the real hurdle for me is the fact that no decision has been made.  My brain just bounces around and around the implications of two different sets of outcomes and never has a chance to think through a single scenario.  Once a decision is made, regardless of whether it's the right one, I seem able to finally focus and organize the facts. It's a case of an emotional state affecting cognitives.  Once you make a decision, the emotional subext can change dramatically.

Works for me every time.  YMMV, but it's worth a try.  Let me know if this works, if you do.

Unrelated: Why would you have to "schedule an implementation" for this device?  In fact, what is it about this "implementation" that distinguishes it from the usual unboxing, connection, and configuration chores?

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