A very complex question disguised as a simple query. Makes me wonder whether the 'audiophile club' has an entrance fee. If so, exactly what amount of money spent on audio equipment is necessary to become part of the club? Is there an absolute number or is it relative to the viewer? A non-audiophile friend of mine cannot imagine spending more than a couple hundred dollars on anything audio related. She tolerates sound quality can make me cry. I would say that she does not belong here. It would be a horrifying experience for her. On the other hand, I doubt you judge others for their Hi-Fi expenses and can probably appreciate the thoughts of those who spend tens of thousands of dollars. As pure entertainment if nothing else. That's basically the boat I'm in. I replaced a pair of 41-year-old broken down speakers with 20-year-old speakers I bought for $900. My current amplifier and turntable cost me around $700. Back in 1981. Which makes me wonder whether it's the total cost of gear needed to get into the club or how much we spend on gear per year or $/total years in the hobby. So, a very complex question!
On the other hand, I don't think whether you stay here or not depends on money spent at all. The question as I see it is whether you get value from being here and also whether you feel you give value to others. From the number of responses to your thread, I think the answer is obvious.