@soix As you were informed earlier in the thread that you are the sole investigator of your concerns about quality of the Albums condition.
Your follow up response:
" Ok. I was mainly concerned the pressure from the weight would affect the grooves and the sound but not sounding like that’s much of a problem."
If the Stack was quite neat, without too much edge overhang of the Albums perimeter edges between tiers, the idea of the Groove receiving compression is one that is less of a concern, as the Outer Raised Dead Wax Rim and Inner Raised Label will have been the points of loading. Hence, references being made to Ring Damage demarcation visible on Album Covers. The Grooves will have been recessed in relation to these two positions and been free from excessive force being applied.
If there has been an increased overhang of the Albums Perimeter Edges between tiers, The Likelihood the Offset in alignment is more that 50 % of the surface area of the Label diameter seems excessive, but the off set being more than the 50 % of the width of the outer Dead Wax, does seem quite viable. If this off set is seen in the stack, there is the likelihood the Grove have been exposed to point force, where the Dead Wax was able to be compressed and add force to the Groove.
Note: Force applied will be if typical as a Storage, passed through an Albums Outer Sleeve and then the Inner Sleeve, there might even be a Outer Sleeve Protector in use as well. These layers of protection being present, where the point of force is being applied, is certainly an area where an amount of cushioning is also working against the hard / full contact force being exerted to its worst effect.
If the Base the Albums are laying on is perfectly flat then the lower Album should not be exposed to being compressed onto the uneven surface in the area of the Grooves.
As an optimist, I sense the Paper Sleeves may have been exposed to a accelerated deterioration as a result of the environments impact at the storage location. Proper Cleaning Methods will firstly correct any earlier used cleaning methods failings, as well as deal with contaminants from inner Paper Sleeves deterioration being bedded into the groove as well.
I keep the original Paper Sleeve stored in the Album Cover, but use Anti Static Sleeves to insert the Vinyl into following the PAVCR Manual Cleaning Method.
Ring Damage to Album Covers is quite likely.
Warping is also a risk.
The question is when you do get to have hands on the Vinyl LP's once more, are the Storage methods to change, is the new configuration to be that the Albums are to be flipped to the Vertical for the period of storage until you can get to using them regularly ?!!!
Do not overlook that this Album Collection is very likely to be worth a reasonable sum of monies, it can also contain an Album or Two that are much appreciated in value as well.