@peter_s ...but your hair looked marvelous during then...*speaking slightly 'fay'...*
@jl35 ....I make absolutely sure that the only smoke I Direct Onto my pile is from the best 420 stock I can rack my lungs with....
Considering the music I play through it, you will thank me in the long run....esp. if you warm up the amp enough....😎
@thecarpathian All things considered, I pref the 'woke' state, as you certainly Don't want to be surrounded by 'unwoke' morning commuters...
Hi, I'm Jerry. And I've been woke since 1967 and will continue being so until a shovel-full of dirt hits my face. At the point, my p.o.'d corpse will impress upon the rapidly scattering assembly that "...I wanted to be dissolved and poured into a river.
That's because in a relatively short period of time, I'll be EVERYWHERE!"
*Inane Insane Laughter* (...can't think of anything more scary....)
We have and have had pets during ownership of the bulk of the audiotrivia owned; 3 dogs, multiple cats (2 current, currently sleeping on spouse, a handy heat source and less bony than self), I smoke, we both imbibe at times, and don't keep a surgically sterile homescape.
We will supply a whole-body condom to any that are subject to Anything.
This will require signing multiple documents towards the purchase of mountaintop lots in Ft. Lauderdale.
I have no idea what the previous home life of my used components was....
"...you've been a bad, BAD Amplifier...."
...nor get all ruffed over it....
@noromance ....more perceptive than I....but ask if I care... ;)