Help with CD Player

Hello fellow music lovers,

I am new to the site and need some help to find a new CD player.

I have been to many local store to listen to different player, but most are out of my price range. Most of the stores only carry the very high end products.

Looking for a musically sound but well built CD player for $1500. Please give me some suggestions.


There is a Bryston BCD-1 for an extra 450(rated class A in
Stereophile)on this site.I find she's a superb player,I have one.For me she does everything right,especially using the analog out of the cdp.
If you already have a CD player and are looking for upgrade, I think it would be far more cost effective to just buy a DAC like the Benchmark DAC-1 to use with your existing CD player.
The best player in that price range, IMO, is the Rega Apollo. Designed to sound as analog-like as possible, it has a much warmer sound, and greater soundstage, and better imaging than any other CD player I have ever heard costing a few times it's price. However, Sidssp's suggestion is also a good one, I had a friend just add a DAC with very good results.