I will exclude not only fascist house owner as some did but communist house owner...
Why ?
Because fascism is born from an economical techno pseudo science where corporate powers collude with politic nationalism as in Italy or with religion as in Spain or as with racist biological science as in Germany...
Communism is born from techno cultist economical theory of class warfare born from ignorance by Marx.
All these techno cults based on biology or economy come from before Marx and before Adam Smith from the genius of calvinist Bernard Mandeville trying to solve the scarcity problem and the social control problem after the demise of oligarchic tyranny in England and the birth of democracy in England.
Mandeville thought about deep methods inspired by his calvinist predestination ideology to make the social Hive creative in spite of the sins and with the help of the sins and created before Adam Smith the market concept , Smith plagiarise, and truncate his thoughts , and stole from him the concept of market; and more than that Mandeville genius created before Freud the concept of the unconscious in 1714. Mandeville called by all Europe the "man of the devil" said " Men are not where they thought they are ". he created the concept of social classes before marx and deeper than him : the pervert psychopath at the head, the nevrotic narcissists, in the middle and in the margin the self centered sociopath, for sure he does not use these modern words but it is the same . It is Mandeville who said : " the private vices create the collective virtue"... This truth being too unconvenient to be said as that , from Smith to Hayek they pudically rename the vices a "self interest" in the austrian school of economy ...😁
He literally wote the social control user manual to govern people without them being conscious of it .This is the reason why Hayek whose economic school win 8 Nobel prizes called him "our master to us all"...Think about that...😊
Then if you do not want to stay ignorant ban fascism yes but as well as communism and dont listen and dont trust any person who ban only one of these two monsters...They had a common root...
Have you not observed that techno cultism is the next religion not fascism alone or communism alone but something much worse ? materialism gave birth to techno-cultism which is the father of transhumanism religion ...
Many idiotic people stir the pot with left/right propaganda... Be over it and think by ourselves...
As you can see my post is philosophical not as some just did about ideological watchword ...
inform yourself before repeating watchwords of any left or right propagandist...
As said Chesterton : "the modern world is full of chritian ideas gone mad"
Calvinist predestination from which modern economy is born, unbeknowst to most economist save Hayek and few others, is such an idea gone mad. Add materialism and you had techno-cultism ideology of the fascist kind or of the communist kind , pick your flavor. ...