Anyone ever have, use or hear this tube?

I always thought that the pinnacle of the ecc82/12au7 type tube was the Telefunken ecc802s. Even better than the Amperex 7316. But, I recently found out that there is an extra special designation for some ecc802's dubbed the G73R. These are supposed to be unmatched in quality and longevity, said to last 40,000+ hours! Anybody familiar with, heard or own these things??





@wharfy ;) You’re welcome...but I hope it isn’t the day peaking early....*>😖<*

@bgross ....

"The romantic tubey blush with very good..."

( He tried ’that’ on Fran.....began with

"Want some coffee? C’mon in, I’ll show you my new CV’s, so cool.....The {etc., see above....}...)


The minstrels and poets still sing and write about what ensued.....

"......the left backhand to the left cheek, impact heard across the busy street!

The right side chin, the pointed right hook? Hurt for the week, all it took..

The CVtubes? Still unlooked.....all of this in search of ’nook’ *!?!*"

The rest of the tale unravels rather quickly after that......*tsk*

"Solid states. Vacuum tubes. Etchings.

What has Sex Appeal Become in the
’Tweakin’ Twenties’..."


@asvjerry -

Dude!!! You are cracking me up.

Back in the day, before the Tweakin’ Twenties, it was "etchings."

Power abhors a vacuum, electrons…not so much.

I love the smell of warm tubes, coffee ( and napalm ) in the morning.

On a serious note.. while i love Andy and have in past been an ardent supporter / customer…. i just can’t tolerate the very long periods of incommunicado…. so for several years Brent at Brent Jesse Recording Supply has been getting 100% of my business… Just today ordered (3) AT-7…. Tuberolling is not a sport for the deaf

For all you 12AU7 users, have you tried the RCA 12BH7?  After rolling many 12AU7 variations, I learned the 12BH7 would work and once I heard the RCA in my preamp, CD player and amps, there was no going back to the 12AU7.